Snippets: categorización de colegas complicados

Improve together

Este blog post managing bad engineers, habla de cómo mejorar el trabajo en equipo con personas complicadas haciendo una categorización de qué tipos de personalidades y situaciones en las que se ven representados. También propone formas de mejorar la comunicación con este tipo de colegas para lograr un buen funcionamiento del equipo.

Aquí dejo el snippet de las categorias:

The Procrastinator Procrastinators tend to delay tasks, often focusing on less important tasks while ignoring the critical ones. They may have poor time management skills, often underestimating the time required to complete tasks. This behavior can lead to missed deadlines, increased stress for the team, and potential risks to the project.

The Lone Wolf Lone Wolves assume they’re the most competent person and prefer to work alone, often resisting collaborative efforts — I mean, why would you need someone else’s help if they’re far inferior to you? Usually, they do not participate in team discussions unless to tell everyone that they “could’ve done that in 3 days”. While their self-reliance can sometimes be an asset, it can also lead to a lack of cohesion and potential misalignment with team goals. And most importantly — people don’t enjoy working with Lone Wolves.

The Negative Nancy Negative Nancies tend to overly focus on the negative aspects of situations, overlooking potential solutions. They may complain frequently, resist change, and spread negativity within the team. This behavior can dampen team morale and hinder creativity and innovation. “Why are they forcing us to do X? Urgh, I like how things are now.”

The Over-Promiser Over-Promisers tend to be overly optimistic about their capabilities or the time required to complete tasks and secretive when things don’t go as planned. Even during status updates, they can say, “It’s going great,” even though they’re struggling to find a solution and face some blockers — because they still hope to finish it on time. They often fail to deliver on their promises, which leads to frustration and mistrust within the team and with the Product Owners.

The Know-It-All Know-It-Alls tend to be arrogant and closed-minded. They often lack the ability to listen to others and are highly resistant to change or new ideas. As you can imagine, this behavior is quite annoying for others who want to spar with ideas and figure out the best way to build something. Overall this stifles creativity, hinders team collaboration, and creates a hostile work environment.

The Silent Type Silent Types, in general, tend to be introverted and may struggle with communication. Even though they might immediately see the issues with the solution, they might think, “It’s not worth it to share the concerns, to antagonize someone.” They often keep their thoughts to themselves, which can lead to misunderstandings or missed opportunities for collaboration.

The Perfectionist Very often, Perfectionists are recent graduates. They tend to focus on minute details, often at the expense of the bigger picture. They may struggle with the KISS principles and delegation and have high, sometimes unrealistic, standards for themselves and others. In their mind, the code is art, and they should not be rushed while creating an art piece. This behavior leads to inefficiencies, missed deadlines, and increased stress for the whole team.

The Unreliable One Unreliable employees are identified by their tardiness — constantly late, submitting unfinished work, and skipping meetings. They lack commitment, discipline, or time management skills. Or all three combined. Their inconsistent performance can lead to mistrust and frustration within the team and potentially (highly likely) jeopardize project timelines.

The Conflict Instigator Conflict Instigators tend to be argumentative, aggressive, and disruptive. They thrive on drama and create a toxic work environment. This behavior can lead to decreased team morale, increased stress, and reduced productivity.

The Burned-Out Employee Burned-out employees exhibit signs of exhaustion, cynicism, and reduced professional efficacy. They struggle to meet deadlines, have the lowest output on the team, and make more mistakes than over the previous observable period.
